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Be on a the lookout for an email from me, Gabby Whitaker. Be sure to check your spam or promotions folder if you don’t see it (it sometimes gets stuck there).
In the meantime, keep reading to take advantage of a special offer: Grab our Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit for just $11!
A mini-library of resources to help you breastfeed your dairy-sensitive baby
Take the stress out of dairy-free breastfeeding.
Get the tools, knowledge, and support you need to simplify breastfeeding your dairy-sensitive baby.
You deserve to have a happy baby.
For a limited time, get access to the Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit for just $11 (that’s less than the cost of 4 days worth of dairy-free infant formula!)
✓ Includes a cheat sheet for getting started, a food sensitivity symptoms tracker, milk alternative comparisons, a guide to understanding normal vs. abnormal infant stool, and more.
✓ Also includes 12 dairy-free dinner ideas and a list of 15 dairy-free packaged snacks/foods you can still safely splurge on.
✓ Best of all, you get the knowledge and support you need to make dairy-free breastfeeding simpler!
✓ Feel confident when you eat, because you know what you should be avoiding and watching out for.
✓ Quickly get to the bottom of what’s bothering baby, because you can avoid common dairy-free eating pitfalls.
✓ Easily create an organized record of your diet and your baby’s symptoms for your doctor to review.
✓ Have a happier baby, because dairy finally isn’t causing so many problems!
✓ Be the parent who can answer other moms’ dairy-free breastfeeding questions, instead of wondering them yourself!
I didn’t realize my oldest baby was sensitive to dairy until she was several months old. I dealt with symptoms for months, and no one told me that dairy might be the culprit! When my lactation consultant suggested I try a dairy-free diet, I thought it would be a piece of cake (no pun intended). Just avoid milk and cheese and butter, right?
Boy was I wrong! After some trial and error, I finally figured out how to avoid dairy. But it was stressful. I had to look high and low for all the answers I found, and there was a lot of contradictory information to sort through.
Now that I’m an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I’ve created a simple mini-library of dairy-free breastfeeding resources, so that you can avoid going through the same hassle I went through once upon a time!
Short, bullet-pointed guides help you quickly learn what you need to know to begin breastfeeding dairy-free in no time.
12 tested dairy-free recipes and a list of dairy-free snack foods you can grab at just about any grocery store make getting started easy.
Eating dairy-free doesn’t have to be complicated. I’ve included the basics you need to know to eliminate the overwhelm.
Get the Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit, or upgrade your order to the complete Breastfeeding Rescue Toolbox for just $9 more and ALSO get our FULL library of breastfeeding resources, including resources for going back to work (pumping) and troubleshooting common problems!
The Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit includes the Before You Go Dairy Free Checklist, the How to Start A Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Diet Cheat Sheet, a printable food journal & symptoms tracker, a guide to normal vs. abnormal infant stool, a list of 10 places dairy hides, a milk alternatives comparison guide, 12 dairy free dinner ideas, a list of 15 dairy-free packaged snacks/foods so common you can buy them at just about any grocery store, and 8 important dairy-free breastfeeding myths all parents should know.
Absolutely. Think about it: One can of hypoallergenic powdered infant formula typically costs between $40 and $56, and that can will be empty in a matter of days.
In most cases, the Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit is actually going to cost significantly less than it would cost to give hypoallergenic formula for 5 days.
But it’s not just about money: It’s about your sanity too. The Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit is about making things simple and straightforward.
You could, but the truth is, most pediatricians don’t actually have lactation training or may have incomplete breastfeeding education.
And it can be almost impossible for the providers who do have lactation training to squeeze in thorough breastfeeding education in a standard 20-minute well check once every couple months.
While a mom group can be a great place to get information and support, depending on who runs the group and how well moderated it is, online support groups might not provide the accurate info you need.
It can be hard to tell if the advice you’re getting is evidence-based or simply culturally biased popular opinion. A lot of “tips” spread in some support groups can actually lower milk supply over time, cause breastfeeding issues, or make them worse. Support groups are important, but they need to be moderated and run well to be most effective.
Your toolbox is an instant download! No physical product will be mailed.
After you make your purchase, links to download your resources will automatically appear. You can download all resources in one .zip file or download the resources individually in .pdf files. A copy of these download links will also be emailed to you.
The download link emailed to you will expire after a time, so be sure to download everything right away. If your emailed download link expires, simply shoot me an email via my “Contact Me” page on and I’ll happily resend you a fresh link.
This resource is NOT designed to be a substitute for in-person or professional healthcare advice. Always bring all health concerns to your pediatrician’s attention.
This guide is also probably not for you if you’re not super interested in continuing to breastfeed, or if changing your diet isn’t going to be very feasible or practical.
While I am confident this guide contains useful information for breastfeeding parents, if you don’t learn anything new from this resource, I’ll refund 100% of your money within 14 days of your purchase.
For just 20 minutes, get the Dairy-Free Breastfeeding Starter Kit for just $11. Just click the button below!