A resource to radically simplify your IBCLC exam prep
*This resource is not affiliated with or endorsed by IBLCE. All organizational & test names are trademarks of their respective owners.
Study Smarter, Not Harder
Spend less time sifting through textbooks & more time learning what you need to know to prepare for your exam.
Studying for the IBCLC Exam just got a whole lot easier.
Get access to carefully curated study notes compiled with your needs in mind:
✓ Instantly download 88 pages of study material packed with content you need to know for the IBCLC exam
✓ Concise & condensed explanations in outline format
✓ Designated space to easily add your own notes on every page
✓ Organized sections that mirror the IBLCE Detailed Content Outline*
*Please note: Some material on the IBLCE’s Detailed Content Outline (e.g. counseling skills, cultural competency, etc.) requires the application of knowledge/skills, so this study outline is NOT comprehensive. Please see the FAQs below for more information.
✓ Stay focused on essential facts, rather than getting lost in a dense textbook
✓ Spend less time looking for information, and more time committing it to memory
✓ Study efficiently, because so much of what you need to know is already compiled and ready to use
✓ Have more time to devote to practice questions, so you are better prepared for exam day
✓ Be the IBCLC candidate who can answer others’ questions, instead of wondering them yourself
✓ Have an awesome resource to refer to later, even after the exam is long over!
I tried reading lactation textbooks cover-to-cover, but the information didn’t stick. I tried making flashcards, but there was just too much to squeeze on a 4×6 notecard. I needed to try something new.
So I started over. I took out a blank piece of paper and started writing. My goal was to–as much as possible–condense everything I needed to know about a topic on as few pages as possible. Infant reflexes? One page. Drug entry into human milk? One page. Components of human milk? Well, that one had to be a couple pages, but you get the idea.
By the end, I had a study guide that was easy to reference and a LOT less dense than the mountain of textbooks I scoured to compile these facts. I wound up passing the exam by a very wide margin, and by the next year, I had created a study outline that over 850 IBCLC exam candidates have used to study for their exams!
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1) Make sure you are downloading your PDF on a desktop/laptop computer. For some reason, downloading to a mobile or tablet device sometimes causes issues. You can later transfer the document to your mobile or tablet device.
2) If you are still having trouble, email me at [email protected] or DM me on Facebook and we will work out another way to get your PDF to you!
Immediately after making your purchase, you will see a download link, and your download link will also be emailed to you with your receipt.
The IBCLC Exam Study Outline is downloadable PDF file (no physical copy will be mailed to you) that includes 88 pages of info (plus a few extra blank pages for notes) on the following topics:
No. While I am an IBCLC, I am not associated with the IBLCE in any other capacity. This resource is not affiliated with or endorsed by IBLCE. All organizational & test names are trademarks of their respective owners. I cannot answer questions about future or past exams, and I do not have access to information about what questions will be on the exam. Any study strategies shared in this outline are my own personal recommendations.
No. The IBLCE’s Detailed Content Outline is very broad, so it would be impossible to anticipate everything that could possibly be asked on an exam. Additionally, you will need to know how to APPLY certain knowledge (e.g. cultural competency, counseling skills, etc.), which is a skill best practiced rather than something that can be “studied.”
For best results, you will need to utilize additional study materials that are NOT included in this study outline, such as practice questions.
It is the buyer’s responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with all material on the IBLCE’s Detailed Content Outline, which is available on the IBLCE website.
Fortunately, the outline does cover a great number of topics you will need to know about, and if you come across something not included in the outline, you can also add the information to the margins or to the included “notes” page at the end of the outline.
Purchasing this study outline does NOT guarantee any specific exam outcome.
How effective this study outline will be depends on the extent to which you are able to learn and apply the material in it.
YUP! All the work is done for you!
However, it’s important to note that lactation is a relatively new field of study that is still evolving. The information in this outline is as up-to-date as possible at the time of publication, but just in case new information becomes available, I made sure to include designated space on every page of this outline for you to add your own notes.
At this time, the IBCLC Exam Study Outline is NOT a physical product. It is a downloadable PDF. You can print it to take notes on it directly, or Android/iOS apps like GoodNotes and Notability will allow you use a tablet to highlight and annotate PDFs on a tablet.
Click the buy button below to be redirected to a secure payment portal powered by PayHip. This ensures your payment info is protected. And YES! You can definitely purchase this if you are located outside of the United States. Please note that EU and international customers are subject to the taxes that apply to their region.